The Difference between IAI Member Architects and Non-Members
- On 19/07/2023
When you want to choose an architectural service, you might feel confused because of the abundance of architects in Indonesia. Besides the considerable number of architects in Indonesia that are worth considering, you might also question the level of professionalism of these architects. Well, you can actually choose professional and credible architectural services based on their membership in the Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI). Let's take a look at the differences between IAI member architects and non-members in the following review!
Getting to know IAI
IAI is a professional organization for architects in the country that accommodates professional and credible architects whose performance and works have been recognized. This organization was established on September 17, 1959, and serves several functions. FirstIAI acts as a professional organization representing Indonesian architects both domestically and internationally Secondit serves as the driving force and executor of all efforts to achieve the organization's goals Thirdit serves as a platform for communication, consultation, coordination, and collaboration among its members
IAI membership
Indonesian architects can obtain membership status in IAI through two ways Firstby their own volition Secondby being awarded IAI membership for having made significant contributions to the field of architecture. If you wish to become a member and partner of IAI, you are required to fulfill a number of administrative requirements along with recommendation letters from at least the following parties:
- Professional Architectural Organization according to domicile
- Statement of authenticity and qualification of student status according to the requirements of the higher education institution that provides architectural education
- Professional members (two individuals) who are familiar with the applicant and morally responsible for the integrity of the prospective member.
If all the required conditions have been met, the application of prospective members will be examined by the regional or branch management. Subsequently, this application will be forwarded to the national management by the regional or branch management no later than 30 days after the request letter is received. For prospective members whose applications are accepted, the official acceptance of membership will be carried out by the national management no later than 30 days after the application and recommendation from the regional or branch management are accepted.
Types of IAI membership
IAI membership types are divided into four. You can see an explanation of each type of membership in the following points:
1. Honorary Member
This membership is intended for architects who possess a deep knowledge, sensitivity to the art of architecture, and a spirit of concern for efforts to enhance and advance the world of architecture, especially in Indonesia. They are also individuals who have made significant contributions to the development of the professional architectural organization
There are two types of honorary members, namely
- Appointed as a member due to their exceptional contributions to the field of architecture in Indonesia
- Appointed as a member due to being recognized as a proficient traditional architect.
2. Professional Member
Professional Membership is intended for architects who have qualified as Junior Architects, Intermediate Architects, or Senior Architects. To be registered as a Professional Member, an architect must meet at least the following requirements
- Having a D-3 degree in Architectural Engineering or a Bachelor's degree (S-1) in Architecture from a recognized higher education institution and has met the qualification as a Junior Architect
- Having a Bachelor's degree (S-1) in Architecture from a recognized higher education institution and has met the qualification as an Intermediate Architect
- Having a Bachelor's degree (S-1) in Architecture and has completed the professional education of architecture from a recognized higher education institution and meets the qualification as a Senior Architect.
- Professional with expertise recognized by the organization.
3. Ordinary Member
This type of membership is intended for graduates of D-3 Architectural Engineering, especially those who apply their knowledge while adhering to the Architectural Professional Code of Ethics
Activities of IAI
As an organization aimed at developing the knowledge and skills of professional architects to be able to dedicate their expertise to the world of Indonesian architecture, IAI consistently conducts various activities and workshops to enhance the knowledge and quality of its members, including:
- Regional, national, and international-scale architecture conventions
- Jakarta Design Week
- Ekskursi
- Open House
- PKB or Continuous Professional Development
- Architecture competitions
The difference between IAI member architects and those who are not
Every member of IAI has a responsibility to dedicate their expertise to serving the Indonesian community as users of architectural services and to create sustainable built environments. This doesn't mean that architects outside of IAI membership are not qualified, but architects who are members of IAI have proven credibility and are more reliable. Every IAI member has met various requirements to ensure their professionalism in their profession and continuously enhances their knowledge for the development of their work.
That is information about the differences between IAI member architects and those who are not.
For those who want to use the services of credible and reliable Indonesian architects, it's advisable to look for architects who are clearly registered and are members of IAI. Because all IAI members are bound by the Architectural Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct in carrying out their profession
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