6 Manfaat Memiliki Surat Tanda Registrasi Arsitek (STRA)
- On 25/09/2024
"STRA is an official recognition by the Indonesian Architect Council (DAI) of an architect's competence to practice in Indonesia. In addition to serving as legal proof of status and credibility as a professional architect, this official document also plays a significant role in career success!"
"What are the benefits of STRA for its holders?" "Let’s take a closer look here!"
"6 Benefits of STRA for Architects"
"Having an STRA will support career advancement in the field of architecture, such as the following examples:"
"1. No Need to Take the SKK Exam Again"
"One of the main benefits of having an STRA for architects is that they no longer need to take the exam to obtain a Special Expertise Certificate (SKK), as the STRA is equivalent to the SKK. This eliminates the need for a retest, saving time and effort for architects who want to focus on their practice without the burden of additional exams."
"2. Practice License in the Chosen Area"
"STRA allows an architect to obtain a practice license, i.e." license", from the local/regional government (with a recommendation from the local IAI) in various locations/areas across Indonesia. This means that if an architect holds an STRA, they can easily choose the area they wish to practice in."
"3. Proof of Credibility and Professionalism"
"STRA also serves as proof of an architect's credibility and professionalism. It shows that the architect has undergone a rigorous selection process by the DAI and has met the competency standards set by the institution. This provides confidence to clients and/or project owners that they are working with a competent architect who is legally certified."
"4. Complies with Legal Requirements"
"Holding an STRA is a legal requirement for any architect who wishes to practice legally and legitimately in Indonesia. By having an STRA, an architect is obligated to comply with all regulations and laws and meet the requirements set by the law, ensuring a dignified and fair legal resolution in case any issues arise in the future."
"5. Joining a Professional Architect Network"
"Through STRA, an architect can join a professional architect network managed by DAI. This provides an opportunity to interact with fellow architects, share knowledge and experiences, and continuously update and develop their professional skills."
"6. Opening Doors to More Projects"
"It is important to remember that clients and project owners often seek architects who hold an STRA, as this document indicates a higher level of expertise and competence. Therefore, having an STRA can open doors to more exciting projects and also create greater business opportunities."
how to get "Architect Registration Certificate" (STRA)
Obtaining an STRA is an important step in strengthening an architect's career. Why? Because the STRA is proof of recognition of an architect's competence issued by the authorized institution based on Law No. 6 of 2017 on Architects, namely the Indonesian Architect Council (DAI).
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to obtain an STRA:
1. Initial Registration: Uploading the required essential documents for the DAI registration process online.online pagewebsite DAI official
2. Preparation for Competency Test: Reviewing the schedule and studying the competency test materials, such as construction regulations, architectural planning, building codes, and other related topics.
3. Taking the Competency Test: The Architect Competency Test from DAI consists of 5 modules, 13 competency areas (following the UIA guidelines), and 150 questions. Check the detailed outline of the STRA competency test here. "at the following link".
4. Document Review and Evaluation: DAI will carefully review the documents and assess the results of the competency test for each participant within the available time frame.
5. Announcement of Results: If you are declared passed, your STRA will be issued immediately. You will officially become the holder of the STRA.
Update Your STRA Regularly Since STRA has an expiration date, make sure to regularly update it before the specified deadline to maintain its validity.
Dengan memiliki STRA, seorang arsitek akan dapat menikmati berbagai manfaat yang berharga, mulai dari penghematan waktu hingga peluang bisnis yang lebih besar. Jadi, jika Anda ingin meningkatkan karier sebagai arsitek, memperoleh STRA adalah solusinya.
Untunglah, DAI menyediakan layanan pendaftaran STRA secara daring/online untuk kemudahan para peserta, hingga Anda bisa mendaftarkan diri kapan saja dan dari mana saja. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi situs laman/web resmi DAI di sini dan dapatkan informasi terbaru seputar dunia arsitektur dari DAI melalui Instagram!
Meta desc: Menjadi pemilik STRA yang diterbitkan oleh Dewan Arsitek Indonesia membawa banyak keuntungan untuk masa depan karier, lho! Pelajari selengkapnya di sini!
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