Introducing the New STRA Design
- On 07/10/2024
How Can an Architect Legally Practice in Indonesia? An architect must possess a valid STRA (Surat Tanda Registrasi Arsitek) to practice legally in Indonesia. This requirement has been in effect since 2021. As of 2024, there is a significant update: the **Indonesian Architects Council (Dewan Arsitek Indonesia)** has introduced a new design for the STRA, replacing the previous version.
What are the details of the changes, and when will the new regulation take effect?
Let’s dive into the details in this article!
Why Is There a New STRA Design?
The primary goal of the STRA design update by the Indonesian Architects Council is to enhance the existing registration process for architects. By revamping the design of the competency certificate and the valid Architect Registration Certificate, the aim is to create a more integrated registration process for architects in Indonesia.
Of course, it is clear that this integration is crucial to ensure the professionalism and ethical code of the Architect profession in supporting national development programs, as well as ensuring the public receives quality architectural services.
New Appearance Specifications of STRA
The new appearance of STRA consists of three different colors to represent each category of Architect.
First, there is STRA 1 in white, which is equivalent to the Main Expert Competency Certificate (SKA Utama). Next, STRA 2, which is equivalent to the Intermediate Expert Competency Certificate (SKA Madya), comes in gray. Lastly, for foreign architects who have registered as RFARegistered Foreign Architect) and can practice legally in Indonesia, they will have a special STRA for Foreign Architects in blue."
Besides the different colors, the new STRA design also has a front and back. The front page is the Foreign Architect Registration Certificate itself, while the Competency Certificate of an Architect is displayed on the back page
Information Listed in the STRA
What information can you find in the latest STRA design? Here is a detailed explanation:
Architect's Personal Information
On the STRA, you can find the personal information of an Architect, which includes the full name, National Identification Number (NIK) from the ID card, and the Architect's Registration Number. However, for Foreign Architects, this personal information includes the full name, passport number, nationality, and their STRA registration number
All this information aims to strengthen the validity of an Architect's identity and prove that they have been officially registered. This way, clients who will work with a foreign Architect can easily verify the Architect's legality
Qualification Level
Then, below the Architect's personal information details, you will find the following statement: 'Based on Law Number 6 of 2017 concerning Architects, they are legally allowed to practice Architecture and carry the title of Architect with the qualification level [the level held by the Architect]
In the latest white STRA, the Architect's qualification level will be listed as STRA 1. Meanwhile, for the gray STRA, you will find the text STRA 2. This information is intended to inform potential clients that the Architect they choose has met the applicable laws, including the qualification requirements within it
Information Listed in the Competency Certificate
On the back of the STRA, which serves as the Competency Certificate, in addition to the Architect's personal information as on the front, you will see the statement: 'Has been deemed competent in the Architecture classification based on Government Regulation Number 15 of 2021 with the qualification: EXPERT Level [number]
For STRA 1 holders, they will be included in the Expert Level 9 category. Meanwhile, STRA 2 holders are classified as Expert Level 8. Specifically, for Foreign Architect STRAs, the back page is replaced with details of the Host Architect or Indonesian Companion Architect who will collaborate and oversee the performance of the foreign Architect. These details include the full name, NIK, STRA registration number, and the qualification level of the Companion Architect.
The new STRA design from the Indonesian Architects Council (DAI) has been in effect since July 2024, according to the content of the DAI Decree that regulates this matter. Therefore, both Indonesian and Foreign Architects who register after this date will receive the new design of the Architect Registration Certificate. To obtain it, you can register through the STRA service at.. the official website of the Indonesian Architects Council.
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