"6 Examples of Violations in Meeting the Architect's Performance Standards"
- On 22/11/2024
"Architecture is one of the professions that plays an important role in shaping the built environment and meeting human needs for housing, working, and daily activities. To ensure that architectural design and construction are carried out properly and in accordance with established standards, there is a framework that architects must adhere to, namely the architect's performance standards."
"The architect's performance standards are guidelines that regulate duties, responsibilities, and ethics in architectural practice. The importance of these standards is to ensure that every building project meets the requirements for safety, security, comfort, aesthetics, and sustainability."
"With the enactment of Architect Law Number 6 of 2017 concerning Architects and Government Regulation Number 15 of 2021 regarding the Implementation of the Architect Law, the architectural profession in Indonesia has a strong legal foundation for practicing. As part of the requirements under these regulations, an architect is required to have an Architect Registration Certificate (STRA) issued by the Indonesian Architects Council (DAI). This STRA indicates that an architect has met the educational, training, and competency test requirements established by DAI. To practice in a specific region/province, the STRA must be accompanied by a LICENSE issued by the local government in collaboration with the local Representative/UPT of IAI."
"However, despite the regulations governing the architectural profession, there are still some cases of violations of the architect's performance standards. Here are some examples of common violations in architectural practice:"
"1. Preparation of Preliminary Architectural Studies"
"One of the stages in designing a building is the preparation of preliminary architectural studies. Violations at this stage can include insufficient environmental analysis, mismatches between the design and the client's needs, or non-compliance with applicable regulations and standard provisions."
"2. Building and Structure Planning"
"Architects are responsible for designing buildings and structures that are safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. Violations in this planning phase may involve neglecting aspects of safety, structural integrity, or compliance with applicable zoning regulations."
"Building and structural safety errors occurred in the architecture of the Vdara Hotel and Spa in Las Vegas. Since its opening in 2009, many hotel guests have complained about their skin darkening. Several guests' plastic bags even melted suddenly. Upon further analysis, this incident was caused by the hotel's signature curved design, which directed sunlight toward the pool area, creating abnormal heat levels."
"3. Preservation of Buildings and Their Surroundings"
"To ensure that cultural heritage is preserved, the preservation of historic buildings and their surroundings is the architect's responsibility. Violations in this regard can include modifications to the building and/or its surroundings that damage historical value, or non-compliance with applicable preservation guidelines."
4. Perencanaan Tata Bangunan dan Lingkungannya
Perencanaan tata bangunan dan lingkungan beserta perancangan bangunannya harus memperhatikan aspek keberlanjutan, efisiensi energi, dan dampak lingkungan. Pelanggaran dalam hal ini bisa berarti mengabaikan praktik-praktik hijau atau penggunaan sumber daya yang tidak berkelanjutan.
Pengabaian dampak lingkungan terjadi pada proyek Lotus Riverside di Shanghai, Cina. Di tahun 2009 lalu; galian tanah saat membangun area parkir di sekitar gedung dibuang ke area pembuangan sampah. Penggalian ini kemudian menyebabkan air meresap ke basement sehingga pondasi bangunan berubah menjadi lumpur. Hal ini membuat bangunan Blok 7 roboh sepenuhnya.
5. Penyusunan Dokumen Perencanaan Teknis
Dalam penyusunan dokumen perencanaan (dokumen konstruksi; uraian & syarat-syarat/bestek), arsitek harus memastikan bahwa semua detail konstruksi telah digambarkan dengan jelas. Pelanggaran dapat mencakupi ketidaklengkapan dokumen, yang dapat mengakibatkan kesalahan dalam pelaksanaan proyek.
6. Pengawasan pada Pelaksanaan Bangunan dan Lingkungannya
Saat pelaksanaan proyek pembangunan berlangsung, arsitek memiliki peran penting dalam memastikan bahwa desain arsitektur dilaksanakan sesuai rancangannya. Pelanggaran dalam tahap ini dapat mencakupi ketidakpatuhan terhadap desain asli dan/atau adanya perubahan yang tidak sah.
Salah satu contoh kurangnya pengawasan yang berakibat fatal adalah kejadian di Gedung Ronan Point di kota London pada tahun 1968. Sambungan antara lantai, dinding, dan langit-langit kamar apartemen di setiap tingkat seharusnya diisi dengan beton. Namun, karena pembangunannya dilaksanakan oleh tenaga kerja yang tidak memenuhi syarat kompetensi, beton tersebut digantikan oleh kertas koran dan berbagai macam sampah. Akibatnya, bangunan setinggi 22 lantai ini ambruk ketika terjadi kebakaran.
Dalam mengakhiri pembahasan ini, penting untuk diingat bahwa pelanggaran standar kinerja arsitek dapat memiliki dampak serius, baik pada keamanan publik, lingkungan, maupun integritas profesi arsitek itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu, para arsitek harus selalu berkomitmen untuk mematuhi standar kinerja yang telah ditetapkan, memahami peraturan yang berlaku, dan menjalankan praktik mereka dengan kesadaran etika yang tinggi.
"For more information about the regulations governing the architectural profession, you can visit" website Dewan Arsitek Indonesia (DAI) di link ini. Dengan demikian, arsitek Indonesia dapat bersama-sama memastikan bahwa arsitektur di Indonesia berkembang dengan baik dan sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan.
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