Getting to Know Professional Architect Organizations Abroad" in English
- On 19/07/2023
Architects are designers of buildings and their surrounding complexes. Additionally, they are responsible for overseeing the realization of the entire complex. This often leads architects to also take on project management roles. The architectural profession is spread worldwide. Therefore, it's not surprising that professional architect organizations emerge in every country in the form of associations or societies
This article will discuss professional architect organizations abroad and in Indonesia. Let's explore the information further below!
History of Architect
The term "architect" has been around for centuries. However, as a recognized profession, architecture is a relatively modern concept. Over time, the understanding of the architectural profession has continued to evolve, and it is now regarded as a highly qualified and educated professional field. In Indonesia, the history of architecture has its own distinctive character and long story, starting from the era of vernacular architecture, the influence of Hindu-Buddhist culture evident in temple structures, the golden age of Islamic kingdoms, the colonial era, to modern and contemporary architecture.
International Architectural Professional Organizations
International architectural professional organizations" are international member-based networks that connect, support, and advocate for organizations and individuals worldwide. The goal of these organizations is to advance the role of architecture, planning, and design in serving society. Here are some examples of international architectural professional organizations:
1. Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) or Dewan Arsitek Eropa
The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) is a European organization representing the architectural profession in European countries. Its headquarters and secretariat are located in Brussels, Belgium. Its membership currently consists of 43 member organizations of architects, which are regulatory bodies and professional representatives in all EU member states, as well as Switzerland and Norway. Through its membership, ACE represents the interests of over 565,000 architects from 31 countries in Europe.
2. Union Internationale des Architectes (UIA), International Union of Architects, or International Association of Architects
UIA is a global federation of national architects' associations from more than 124 countries and territories, established on June 28, 1948, in Lausanne, Switzerland. This non-governmental organization represents nearly 1.3 million architects worldwide. UIA holds annual congresses and general assemblies as forums for architects, engineers, designers, technologists, planners, and thinkers from around the world to gather, discuss, participate in workshops, and various other events.
3. Alliance of French-speaking architects (AAF) atau Aliansi Arsitek Francophone
Alliance of Francophone Architects (AAF) is committed to organizing a network of professional organizations and architects who use French as their working language. This global network of professional organizations and architects was formed from the Orders and Associations of Architects of France, Belgium, Lebanon, Luxembourg, and representatives from the Federation of Francophone Architects of Africa (FAFA) in early June 2021.
4. European Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA)
The organization, founded in 1995, brings together American architects working in Europe and some European architects working in America. AIA, headquartered in Washington, D.C., aims to enhance public perception of the architectural profession, provide education, government advocacy, community redevelopment, and public outreach to support the architectural profession. Along with members of other design and construction communities, AIA also works to help coordinate the building industry.
History of architectural professional organizations in Indonesia
The Indonesian Institute of Architects (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia - IAI) is a professional organization in Indonesia that accommodates professional and credible architects whose performance and work have been recognized. This non-profit organization was established on September 17, 1959, and serves several functions. First, IAI acts as a professional organization representing Indonesian architects domestically and internationally. Second, it serves as the driving force and executor of all efforts to achieve the association's goals. Third, it serves as a forum for communication, consultation, coordination, and collaboration among its members. FirstIAI acts as a professional organization representing Indonesian architects both domestically and internationally Second, sebagai penggerak dan pelaksana seluruh upaya mencapai tujuan asosiasi. Thirdit serves as a platform for communication, consultation, coordination, and collaboration among its members
The architectural professional organization in Indonesia is further developing with the establishment of the Indonesian Architects Council (Dewan Arsitek Indonesia - DAI). It was founded and officially recognized by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing on December 3, 2020. The establishment of DAI is based on the mandate of Law Number 6 of 2017 concerning Architects, Article 34, and Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. DAI aims to assist the central government in organizing the architectural profession, thus playing a crucial and important role in maintaining the quality standards and professionalism of architects in Indonesia.
Architects play a crucial role, especially as one of the mainstays of development in Indonesia. The government is currently actively undertaking various infrastructure developments across the country with different regional structures. In order to carry out these national development projects, the government certainly needs to utilize the services of architects who can assist in the construction process to ensure optimal results.
Well, that was information about professional architect organizations abroad. All the organizations mentioned above aim to connect, support, and advocate for architects regarding their position, function, and role in society according to their expertise. With all this support, it is hoped that architects around the world can develop the knowledge and skills of professional architects and bring forth various innovations that can help sustain human life while preserving the environment. With all this support, it is hoped that architects in the world can develop the knowledge and abilities of professional architects, as well as present various innovations that can help human survival while preserving the environment.
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