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<strong>Mengenal Dewan Arsitek Indonesia (DAI) dan Perannya dalam Profesi Arsitek</strong>

  • On 13/03/2025
Mengenal Dewan Arsitek Indonesia (DAI) dan Perannya dalam Profesi Arsitek Profesi Arsitek memiliki peran penting dalam pembangunan infrastruktur dan peradaban suatu bangsa. Di Indonesia, pembinaan profesi ini diatur secara khusus melalui pembentukan Dewan Arsitek Indonesia (DAI), sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam Pasal 34 Undang-undang No 6 Tahun 2017. DAI dibentuk oleh organisasi profesi Arsitek yang dalam hal […]
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"6 Examples of Violations in Meeting the Architect's Performance Standards"

  • On 22/11/2024
"Architecture is one of the professions that plays an important role in shaping the built environment and fulfilling human needs for housing, working, and daily activities. To ensure that architectural design and construction are carried out properly and in accordance with established standards, there is a framework that architects must follow, which is the architect's performance standards."
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All About STRA Registration for Foreign Architects in Indonesia

  • On 01/11/2024
According to the prevailing laws in Indonesia, all architects wishing to practice legally must obtain a Surat Tanda Registrasi Arsitek (STRA) and a license. However, did you know that this requirement does not only apply to local architects? In fact, foreign architects who wish to practice their profession in Indonesia are also obligated to comply with this regulation. The process involves [...]
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The Inaugural Ceremony of the Indonesian Architects Council at the AAC

  • On 18/10/2024
From July 26 to 29, 2023, the Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI) held the ASEAN Architect Congress (AAC) in Makassar, Indonesia. This prestigious event served as a primary platform for architects across the ASEAN region to gather, share knowledge, and celebrate diversity in the field of architecture. This world-class event was attended by the Minister of Trade, Mr. Zulkifli Hasan, as well as the Minister of Public Works and Housing […]
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Getting to Know the New STRA Design

  • On 07/10/2024
What if an Architect wants to practice legally in Indonesia? They must, of course, have a valid STRA (Architect Registration Certificate). This requirement has been in effect since 2021, and as of 2024, there have been recent changes. Specifically, the Indonesian Architects Council has changed the design of the STRA that has been used so far. What are the details of these changes, and when [...]" It seems the sentence is incomplete. Would you like to finish it or need additional help?
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"6 Benefits of Having an Architect Registration Certificate (STRA)"

  • On 25/09/2024
The Architect Registration Certificate (STRA) is the official recognition by the Indonesian Architects Council (DAI) of an architect's competence to practice in Indonesia. In addition to serving as proof of legal status and credibility as a professional architect, this official document also contributes to career success! What are the benefits of having an STRA? Let’s dive into the details! 6 Benefits of STRA for Architects […]
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"STRA Ownership Supervision: Maintaining the Integrity of the Architectural Profession"

  • On 18/09/2024
To ensure that architectural practice adheres to the highest standards, organizations or institutions such as the Indonesian Architects Council (DAI) play a vital role in issuing and overseeing architects' practice licenses. One of the key elements in the supervision of architectural practice is the existence of the Architect Registration Certificate (STRA). Furthermore, to maintain integrity and uphold the credibility of registered architects, the DAI establishes a dedicated committee […]
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4 Types of Sanctions for Violations of the Architects Act

  • On 10/09/2024
The Architects Law is an important legal foundation for regulating the practice of the architectural profession in Indonesia. This law was created to uphold the integrity, quality, and standards in the field of architecture. Understanding and complying with this legislation is crucial as it directly impacts the safety, comfort, and quality of the buildings constructed. With the enactment of Law No. 6 of 2017 concerning Architects […]