Serba-serbi Registrasi STRA Arsitek Asing di Indonesia
Menurut perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia, semua Arsitek yang ingin berpraktik secara legal harus memiliki Surat Tanda Registrasi Arsitek (STRA) dan lisensi. Namun, tahukah Anda bahwa ketentuan ini tidak hanya mengikat Arsitek lokal? Justru, Arsitek Asing atau Arsitek asal luar negeri yang ingin menjalankan praktik profesi mereka di Indonesia juga wajib mematuhi hukum ini. Caranya, […]
Mengenang Ar. Didi Haryadi, IAI, Anggota Senior Dewan Arsitek Indonesia
Oleh: Lana Winayanti Photo credit: Dengan penuh rasa duka cita, saya mengenang kepergian Didi Haryadi, seorang sosok yang telah memberikan kontribusi besar bagi dunia arsitektur Indonesia. Saya pertama kali mengenal Didi Haryadi saat masih kuliah. Didi, demikian saya biasa memanggilnya, satu angkatan di atas saya di jurusan arsitektur ITB. Meski saat itu kami tidak […]
Khidmatnya Pengukuhan (Inaugurasi) Dewan Arsitek Indonesia pada AAC
Pada tanggal 26-29 Juli 2023 lalu, Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) menggelar ASEAN Architect Congress (AAC) di Makassar, Indonesia. Acara prestisius ini menjadi ajang/platform utama bagi para arsitek di kawasan ASEAN untuk berkumpul, berbagi pengetahuan, dan merayakan keberagaman dalam bidang arsitektur. Acara prestisius kelas dunia yang dihadiri oleh Menteri Perdagangan, Bapak Zulkifli Hasan, serta Menteri PUPR, […]
Berkenalan dengan Desain STRA Baru
Bagaimanakah jika seorang Arsitek ingin berpraktik secara legal di Indonesia? Mereka tentunya harus memiliki STRA (Surat Tanda Registrasi Arsitek) yang sah. Ketentuan ini sudah berlaku sejak tahun 2021, dan memasuki tahun 2024, kini ada perubahan terbaru. Penjelasan khususnya, Dewan Arsitek Indonesia telah mengubah desain STRA yang selama ini digunakan. Seperti apakah detail perubahannya, dan kapan […]
6 Manfaat Memiliki Surat Tanda Registrasi Arsitek (STRA)
STRA adalah pengakuan resmi Dewan Arsitek Indonesia (DAI) atas kompetensi seorang arsitek untuk berpraktik di Indonesia. Selain berguna untuk membuktikan status dan kredibilitas sebagai arsitek secara hukum di dunia profesional, ternyata dokumen resmi ini juga bermanfaat untuk kesuksesan karier! Apa saja keuntungan STRA bagi pemiliknya? Yuk, simak selengkapnya di sini! 6 Manfaat STRA untuk Arsitek […]
"STRA Ownership Supervision: Maintaining the Integrity of the Architectural Profession"
Untuk memastikan bahwa praktik arsitektur mematuhi standar tertinggi, organisasi atau lembaga seperti Dewan Arsitek Indonesia (DAI) memegang peranan penting dalam mengeluarkan dan mengawasi izin praktik arsitek. Salah satu pokok-kunci dalam pengawasan praktik arsitektur adalah keberadaan Surat Tanda Registrasi Arsitek (STRA). Kemudian, untuk mempertahankan integritas dan menegakkan kredibilitas para arsitek yang terdaftar, DAI membentuk komite khusus […]
4 Types of Sanctions for Violations of the Architects Act
Undang-undang Arsitek adalah landasan hukum yang penting dalam mengatur praktik profesi arsitek di Indonesia. Undang-undang ini diciptakan untuk menjaga integritas, kualitas, dan standar dalam bidang arsitektur. Memahami dan mematuhi peraturan perundang-undangan ini sangatlah penting karena berdampak langsung pada keamanan, kenyamanan, dan kualitas bangunan yang dibangun. Dengan berlakunya UU Arsitek Nomor 6 tahun 2017 tentang Arsitek […]
The Difference between IAI Member Architects and Non-Members
When you want to choose an architectural service, you might feel confused because of the abundance of architects in Indonesia. Besides the considerable number of architects in Indonesia that are worth considering, you might also question the level of professionalism of these architects. Well, you can actually choose professional and credible architectural services based on their membership in the Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI). Let's take a look at the differences between IAI member architects and non-members in the following review![...]
Getting to Know Professional Architect Organizations Abroad" in English
Architects are designers of buildings and their surrounding complexes. Additionally, they are responsible for overseeing the realization of the entire complex. This often leads architects to also take on project management roles. The architectural profession is spread worldwide. Therefore, it's not surprising that professional architect organizations emerge in every country in the form of associations or societies. This article[...]
Checking the Credibility of Architects, Here's How!
As a consumer, you certainly want to use the services of reliable or credible architects. Although architects must have a basic understanding of construction, that is not the only way to assess their credibility. An architect can also offer credibility in other aspects, such as ethics and sustainability concepts, as well as having capabilities related to your needs, such as project management or construction management capabilities. To ensure the credibility of the architect you are going to hire, let's take a look at the complete review below![...]
Architect Competency Test Grid in Indonesia
Do you know that graduates with a bachelor's degree in Architecture cannot immediately work as architects? Prospective architects are required to pass the Architect Competency Test to obtain an Architect Registration Certificate or STRA. The STRA is the official proof that an architect can fully practice architecture. So, what are the requirements to take the Architect Competency Test?Requirements for the Architect Competency Test[...]
Benefits of Using Professional Architect Services
Everyone surely wants to have the most beautiful house. However, when it comes to the process of building a house, many are still unsure whether they need to hire a professional architect. You might think that hiring a professional architect will increase the construction budget. While this concern is understandable, you need to remember that building a house is a very complex matter. Professional architectural services are essential if you want to gain the following benefits![...]