About DAI

Human development remains one of the priority programs for President Joko Widodo and Vice President K.H. Ma'ruf Amin for the next five years. The architectural profession, as a skill in the construction field, can contribute to infrastructure development, housing, settlements, building construction, built environments, preservation of natural resources, and protection of national culture to enhance the quality of human life.

The architectural profession in Indonesia has played a significant role in various physical developments in the country. Academically, the field of architecture has always evolved with the times.

Furthermore, to support the acceleration of reliable, sustainable, and aesthetically valuable infrastructure development, there is a need to enhance the professionalism of architects. This is in line with the Government's commitment to boost investment and the national economy through Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, which demands professionalism from service providers, including the architectural profession.

As stated in Law No. 6 of 2017 concerning Architects, the Indonesian Architects Council (Dewan Arsitek Indonesia) is an independent body mandated to assist the Central Government in organizing the architectural profession.

The Indonesian Architects Council holds a crucial and strategic position as the Board of Architects in the institutional system of architects in all countries. The establishment and validation of the Indonesian Architects Council are a realization of the Architect Law, which was further strengthened by Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation.

The vision of DAI is to realize the architectural profession that upholds ethics and provides benefits to society and the environment.

The mission of DAI is to establish Indonesian architects who are competent, reliable, and provide added value, usability, and utility in their architectural works; and to maintain the equality of Indonesian architects at the international level.

The Expert Selection Panel of the Indonesian Architects Council, which is tasked with selecting members of the Indonesian Architects Council, consists of:

  1. Agus Prabowo
  2. Betti Alisjahbana
  3. Imam B. Prasodjo
  4. M. Danisworo, IAI
  5. Michael Sumarijanto, IAI
  6. Syahrul Syarief, IAI
  7. Budiman Hendropurnomo, IAI
  8. Nicolaus Simamora, IAI
  9. Puguh Harijono, IAI

Based on the results of the selection of candidates for members of the Indonesian Architects Council by the Expert Selection Panel, 9 members of DAI have been selected, representing members of professional organizations, users of architectural services, and universities, namely:

  1. Aswin Indraprastha
  2. Bambang Eryudawan
  3. Didi Haryadi
  4. Gunawan Tjahjono
  5. Karnaya
  6. Lana Winayanti
  7. Sonny Sutanto
  8. Stevanus J. Manahampi
  9. Yuswadi Saliya